Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Initial design and mission of INSPIRE

INSPIRE project is a colaborative project from four great university in Indonesia. This project's output is to launch a satellite named Iinusat (Indonesian inter-university satellite). This post will explain us about the initial design and mission of the satellite.

First, we will talk about the design. By default, Iinusat will be designed into a hexagonal geometry with solar panel around its outer wall. The solar panel is not designed to be deployed because energy resource reason. Hexagonal geometry is choosen for optimizing the eficiency of the solar panel.

Hexagonal design of satellite

The Iinusat will be piggybacked in PLSV rocket owned by India. PSLV is choosen because the cost to carry the satellite relative low compared to other rocket. Another alternative rockets are Ariane 5, Vega, Dnepr, or Delta.

Picture of chamber in PSLV rocket for the satellite

PSLV rocket layout

The mission of Iinusat :
-store and forward data from Iinusat to ground station or vice versa,
-store and forward data from portable comunication devices to ground station, and
-broadcast satellite data (attitude, electronic system health, and environment) to ground station.

several article from website, some picture is taken from google.com

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Welcome to INSPIRE-ITB blog

welcome to INSPIRE-ITB official blog site.
INSPIRE or Indonesian Nano Satellite Platform Initiative for Research and Education is a colaborative project from four great university in Indonesia which are Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Gajah mada, and Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November and fully supported by Education Ministry of Indonesia and National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN).

Our team from Institut Teknologi Bandung are :

Amrullah Abdul Qadir (Aerospace Engineering),
Deasy Nathalia Mannuragie (Aerospace Engineering),
Hagorly Mohamad Hutasuhut (Aerospace Engineering),
Ibnu Rusydi (Aerospace Engineering), and
Satriya Utama (Aerospace Engineering).

This blog provide team progress and mission analysis which are suitable for public consumption.
Support us by visit our booth in AEROEXPO ITB "TERBANG MENGANGKASA" at campus ganeca Institut Teknologi Bandung, Ganesha 10 street, on 29th until 30th October 2010.